Indexhibit Support
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Forum Guidelines
Increase menu width
- 4 posts
css question
- 1 posts
multiple rows in horizontal
- 1 posts
How to move the Post-Nav text?
- 2 posts
Changing the "Exhibit Options - Image Max Size" from 700 to a higher size
- 3 posts
Horizontal menu?
- 1 posts
issues editing CSS
- 2 posts
Section title - imposible to unactive
- 1 posts
Longer image captions or allow html in image description
- 2 posts
How to make the background image scale?
- 1 posts
Documenta One-Click option: GROW
- 2 posts
About Lazyload
- 2 posts
Indexpand hover function not working?
- 1 posts
Background in Mobile
- 1 posts
Slideshow with thumbnail page option
- 4 posts
Change to Advance Mode
- 1 posts
Slideshow autoplay
- 1 posts
Blog ore news plugin
- 5 posts
Hide index
- 3 posts
Columner Deux menu columns
- 1 posts
Help to install the Columner theme in my Indexhibit 2.0.1 site!
- 4 posts
odd google results
- 2 posts
- 3 posts
horizonzal lines, navigation-panel
- 2 posts
post-nav text html not working
- 3 posts
Mobile customization
- 1 posts
Indexhbit Style does not work properly (font color)
- 1 posts
excerpt from Exhibit
- 1 posts
Problem with Youtube video size
- 1 posts
Mix text posts and image posts together on one exhibit
- 2 posts
No thumbs format for tag page
- 1 posts
lost user name and password
- 1 posts
CSS not coming through
- 2 posts
retina support
- 1 posts
Embed tumblr blog Indexhibit 2.1.4
- 3 posts
yet another @font face question
- 2 posts
Transparent Index (Menu)
- 1 posts
Index scroll without scrollbar
- 5 posts
Is it possible to change width of just one page?
- 2 posts
Change menubar width
- 1 posts
Expanding Menus
- 3 posts
Indexpand on Mobile
- 1 posts
Can't use Slideshow
- 1 posts
Text box next to Slideshow box
- 1 posts
Columner Deux - Slides
- 3 posts
how to remove the hover layer over the images
- 1 posts
Font mobile menu
- 1 posts
font size
- 1 posts
Indexpand not working
- 3 posts
iframe on Columner
- 5 posts