Indexhibit Support
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Not all the plugins load?
- 2 posts
Make image title (or caption) the page title for SEO
- 1 posts
slideshow thumbnails not working
- 3 posts
style.css stopped working (v2)
- 2 posts
Slideshow - adding an extra link!
- 1 posts
Overlay documenta
- 1 posts
How to add retina.js?
- 1 posts
Mobile Detection
- 9 posts
Force Mobile Only to "Files After"
- 1 posts
Cannot change order of links drop down menu
- 1 posts
2.1.3 Image Caption in Section Page on Mobile
- 5 posts
not "what", but "where?"
- 3 posts
embed songs from bandcamp
- 2 posts
Centering, kind of
- 1 posts
HELP!!! none of my 'Section Path Name' links are correct.....
- 2 posts
how can i find my login ID and Password?
- 2 posts
Make an Indexhibit template
- 2 posts
To add Pinterest button on your website
- 3 posts
Can't get menu to point to clean URLs
- 2 posts
Images are uploaded but not displayed on website
- 2 posts
Visual Index Maximum Thumbnails Size
- 2 posts
Increase file size for columner theme
- 2 posts
Customizing html
- 1 posts
so is indexhibit able to provide a responsive Webpage / mobile Web page by now?
- 3 posts
Meta tags not working
- 1 posts
All Broken Links Show Home Page?
- 1 posts
How to make Navbar wider so text is on one line
- 3 posts
Randomise homepage background colour
- 2 posts
Polish letter on the site
- 2 posts
Adding alt attributes to pictures in visual index format
- 2 posts
My account had gone- disappear
- 1 posts
Problems with plugin Indexpand v1.0
- 1 posts
Permalinks without thumbs
- 1 posts
- 1 posts
Menu with a list of dead items ( unlinked )
- 3 posts
Sharing Link w/ image
- 2 posts
Linking to NYT
- 1 posts
iFramed how to
- 2 posts
Tag list
- 3 posts
Creating an Index Link to Another Section
- 15 posts
I can't change website title
- 4 posts
Google Webfonts + Indexhibit
- 1 posts
number of rows on visual index
- 2 posts
Horizontal plugin is not working horizontal....
- 3 posts
Deleting Projects folder
- 1 posts
Trouble logging in
- 2 posts
can not update theme
- 1 posts
can't upload images
- 4 posts
Vertically scrolling exhibit with slideshow function
- 2 posts
where to enter text for rollover in visual index
- 1 posts