Where to put Built with Indexhibit?

louisbullock / 2012-01-08 00:40:27   

Is it alright with @Vaska if I put a description about Indexhibit, and the fact I use it in my /about/ page? Or does it have to be at the footer/visible on every page?

I have a pre-written paragraph I plan to use in either my about page or info about the site like this:

Website Information
This site was built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP, lots of coffee, late nights, but most importantly this site was built with Indexhibit.

I encourage anyone to use Indexhibit to build their site, I find it so easy to use, easy to customise, and the built-in CMS is amazing.

And then I'd link back to Indexhibit.

So is that acceptable? I'm very grateful and happy to use Indexhibit, and I hope this is an acceptable way of showing my appreciation and usage.

pernin / 2012-01-08 01:46:17   

It's perfectly alright. Thank you

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