V2 iframe without scroll bars

phillipreed / 2012-06-13 21:55:11   

I'm using wordpress for the news section of my site, since I installed version 2 I have scroll bars that I can't seem to get rid off. Here's the link:


I've been through the forum but can't find the relevant info. Any help would be much appreciated,

All the best,


ncott / 2012-06-14 14:49:29   

If you want to get rid of the scroll bars (though any content that appears below the border of the window will be inaccessible because the #index - what used to be called #menu - is fixed), in style.css you need to set overflow to 'visible' instead of 'auto' for #index and whatever elements you'd like to get rid of the scroll bars for.

phillipreed / 2012-06-15 10:17:07   

Hi ncott,

Thanks for your help, I was just wondering about the exhibit area, it's only in my news section (where I have wordpress in the Iframe) that I get a horizontal scroll bar on the bottom, and two vertical scroll bars on the right?

mgrote / 2012-11-09 19:14:50   


Can you share how you fixed it?

-Matt mattgrote.com

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