slidethumbcombo, change the thumbnail size

Leetomic / 2012-10-24 07:56:58   

Hello, i downloaded a theme named "slidethumbcombo"
but i want to change the thumbnail size. actually, i want to
make bigger thumbnail.
I was able to adjust the margin and pandding etc by adjusting
But i want to change the thumbnail size.
Is there anyone who knows about it?

Leetomic / 2012-10-25 03:05:32   

some said, i need to modify defalt.php. is it right?
If i only need to modify defalt.php, which defalt file should i deal with?
i have seen more than 3 defalt.php files so far.
Does anyone know about this?

Vaska A / 2012-10-25 03:35:56   

I don't know anything about this format except that with Indexhibit 2 you can do the same thing using Visual Index and the permalink option.

Leetomic / 2012-10-25 04:16:46   

Thank you Vaska!
i have a question for upgrading.

1. can I keep the same design by simply doing upgrade? or do i need to redesign after upgrade?

2. can i use customized theme that i downloaded such as slidethumbcombo, slideproauto. are they compatible with indexhibit2?

Lastly, i learnt that i need to pay for that, and i am willing to do it but do i need to
pay once or need to keep paying annually or monthly?


eliz / 2012-10-25 05:53:24   

Hey Vaska, would it be possible to have the "permalink" option in Visual Index use the new version of Slideshow eventually? That's pretty much the only thing keeping me from using that format.

arsondpi / 2012-10-25 09:32:03   

@Leetomic If you mean redesigning your theme, then yes you may need to update certain css or even the whole theme... It could well mean changing a few lines to changing lots of stuff...

Slidethumbcombo is essentially Visual index with Permalinks turned on. Older Legacy version formats will need adapting and coding skills are needed. I do suggest to give the new version a try... There's lot's of features... Check the Fetures link on the left...

You pay once!

@eliz what's the difference? With Permalinks you can even bookmark certain images...

Vaska A / 2012-10-25 12:21:59   

Lee, you don't need to post the same question in multiple threads...this isn't a good use of our time trying to help people nor is it allowed in every coding/help forum I've ever seen.

Leetomic / 2012-10-26 08:06:48   

Hello, Vaska. Oh i see.
Actually, i just bought the indexhibit 2. but I wasn't sure if i am able to
use all the diverse themes that i downloaded.
By the way, i understand.

eliz / 2012-10-30 20:51:52   

@eliz what's the difference? With Permalinks you can even bookmark certain images..."

the URLs are sloppy, and there is no nice transition between images. it's a bit cumbersome!

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