image link to other exhibit/sliderproauto/ page refresh image shifts (but I'm so close!)

Nek / 2012-10-25 17:07:53   

Hi there. I love indexhibit and get a real sense of accomplishment searching for methods and trying stuff out...

I have spent a few days now searching the forum and php/css coding websites to try to solve this problem, and I'm so close.

Background: using the Centered Theme and mostly the Slideshow exhibit for my projects. However, on my main/front page, I'd really like to use sliderProAuto, and have each image link to the project/exhibit that it is depicting.

I found a way on the forums, but I can't seem to find it again to say thanks... here is what I did....

  1. First, I extended the caption/title length (thanks to pernin's bag of cats)
  2. Next, I uploaded a few all white images that were all around 340x800 pixels to the exhibit using the uploader.
  3. Next, I added the following code to the (extra length capable) Image Title box: <a href="…;

This allows an image (fulltest1.png) to be overlaid on the white exhibit image and also makes fulltest1.png link to a specific project page.
I needed to position it at top:-320 so that the image would load in the right spot over the all white exhibit image.

The good news: This works great! especially when made fulltest1.png exactly the same size as the all white exhibit image and didn't try to have any text show as an image title or caption...

The problem: it only works immediately after a clearing of my cache. if you refresh the page, the position of the overlay image ignores the -320 direction. and then continues to ignore it with every refresh.

If I take the -320 away, the image is lost (out of place) the first time you see the page, but then works when you refresh!

I thought is was a cache issue, so I started trying ways to force a client side cache refresh, or prevent a client side cache refresh via:

php in the exhibit.sliderproauto.php file - (many ways, including a refresh header at the top of the php file which just refreshed over and over and over! and trying to call new javascripts but I have seriously got no idea how to use js AT ALL it seems).

and html in the exhibit edit page box, and even right along side the other code that calls the link....

all to no avail.
maybe it's not a cache issue and trying to control a client's cache is a bandaid for my general ignorance :-)?

here is the site page that I'm working on so that you can see the problem:…">

hit the page, and then refresh the page. to illustrate my point, I set the top position to -160px instead so you will see the top of one of the images on the initial hit, and then the bottom only when you refresh and the second image is out of sight. Clearing your cache will obviously take it back to the first result. The linking works fine, that is if you can see the overlay image!

Thank you for reading my request for help. I'm so close! but this position shifting has thrown a wrench in my attempts...

I know how to edit or at least cut and paste html and php code in the php, index and php files but that's about the end of my knowledge... I generally make physical objects!...

Nek / 2012-10-25 17:10:12   

sorry, the code:

  1. <a href="…;
Nek / 2012-10-25 17:11:42   

let me try this (sorry, I don't know how to post code)

Edited by Vaska - use code tags for code.

Vaska A / 2012-10-25 17:15:50   

In one sentence please, can you explain the problem.

Nek / 2012-10-25 17:16:03…

Nek / 2012-10-25 17:17:55   

Check the sliderproauto on the above page. refresh changes the position of the overlay image (which I called with code in the Image Title area of the exhibit image)

Vaska A / 2012-10-25 17:19:10   

Sorry, I don't know anything about this format.

Being very clear and concise makes it much easier for us to understand and help.

Nek / 2012-10-25 17:20:41   

code and /code (both wrapped in ) before and after the code I'm trying to post, right?

Nek / 2012-10-25 17:29:08   

can't get the code to show properly, so I'll try to be more specific.

I put this in the Image Title (or Image Caption) for an image that is loaded into an exhibit: I used ( ) instead of pointy brackets and added lots of spaces....crossing my fingers

( a href = " http: // www. mysite .com /index .php ?/ the page /" )(img src =" http:// www. mysite .com /files/ fulltest1.png"/ style = "position : relative; left:0px; top:-320px;"/ ) ( /a )

Nek / 2012-10-25 17:32:13   

Ok, so that's how I called the image and made it a link. My problem is that the first time you to the page, the position adjustment for left and top work. When you refresh the page, or navigate somewhere else and then back, the position adjustment is 'forgotten' somehow.

Nek / 2012-10-25 18:22:15   

i found the original 'ghetto fix' reference here:

Nek / 2012-10-26 01:29:26   

I seem to have found my own answer, after reading about style='position....

I changed it to style='position:absolute' instead of 'position:relative' and all the wonky business has seemed to sort itself out. You do have to do the 'href' first and then the 'img src' second in order to have the link work.


This thread has been closed, thank you.