want to add ":" to end of link names in title

kchqtt / 2012-10-28 20:04:08   

(Forgive my ignorance, I'm new to this whole HTML thing!)

Normally the colon is displayed before the website title, but I've made my site title different from the one in the side bar. I like it better that way, but unfortunately the title divider (as I don't know how else to put it) stays on the main page, which ruins everything!

If there's some way I can add the colon to only show up at the end of a page's title as opposed to the beginning of the overall sites title, my site'll be almost perfect!

Also, the page is here: kichoquette.ws

arsondpi / 2012-10-28 23:07:26   

Go to Admin->Assets->index.php and find this line

  1. <title><last:ndxz_title /> : {{obj_name}}</title>

(which is something you've already edited)

  1. <title>Something</title>

is the part that you need to edit...

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