jquery/ajax filterable visual index

julienh / 2012-10-29 16:29:14   


I'm almost finished with my website (julienhery.fristile.fr) and I was thinking about adding some sort of jquery or ajax filtering to the visual index.

In order to mix multiple sections in one page and be able to filter one section

example : d2o0t5hpnwv4c1.cloudfront.net/196_jquery/…

has anybody any clue about how to do this ? I looked some tutorials, but I don't know how to integrate it in indexhibit

maybe it'd be easier in indexhibit 2 ? I think I have seen some sort of tags support.

Thanks a lot for you help


Vaska A / 2012-10-29 16:36:04   

It could be done with version 1 - it's just code. Version 2 has some built-in things that would facilitate it a little more (but it's more code to understand). For instance, Indexhibit 2 has an ajax facility setup at /ndxzsite/plugin/ajax.php.

What you want to do here though is custom and complicated. There are as many ways to do this as there are people on the planet. You would need to make a custom version of Visual Index and make it do specifically what you want. There isn't a tutorial for this kind of thing. I don't think Tags is what you need here...

julienh / 2012-10-31 13:20:11   

thanks a lot for you answer.
Seems to be too complicated for me I'll try to find another idea!

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