variable for left margin in horizontal format plugin

nbuccelli / 2012-10-29 20:15:37   

I modified the horizontal format so that I have a fixed text box with the images scrolling beneath. I was using a white block to push my images far enough to the left so they wouldn't start out behind my text box. However, now I want to embed buttons for sharing services on my site, and they're picking up the white box as the first image for my exhibits. I would adjust the padding on my exhibit container with CSS but I've also got visual index for some other exhibits, so that won't do the trick.

I'm beginning to learn php and the horizontal plugin is still beyond my total understanding - so my question is, which variable can I modify, or what style can I apply within the horizontal plugin to push the start of my image stream to the right within the exhibit container? (I've already done the trial and error routine attempting to figure this out and haven't gotten it right yet).


Vaska A / 2012-10-29 20:59:22   

I would add the social buttons separately rather than as exhibit image directly.

You can write custom CSS rules particular to your formats - if you look at the body tag when using Horizontal you will see the class you can use.

Then, simply style that, with .container, to push things further right (padding-left).

nbuccelli / 2012-10-29 23:26:26   

thanks for the quick reply. that's totally what I wanted to accomplish. and i don't have to mess up the exhibit format file even more either.

Vaska A / 2012-10-30 00:06:25   

and i don't have to mess up the exhibit format file even more either.

We're trying to get things right. ;)

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