Overlay Cock-Up (HELP pls)

simonjmp / 2012-10-30 14:40:11   

Hi guys,
I'm working on the site giampieroassumma.com Whilst trying to remove the loading dial in the overlay format, I have somehow managed to disable overlay entirely. When you click on the icons they simply direct to a permalink now instead of the overlay format.

I'm not sure why it's not reverting back as I've put clean unedited versions of the overlay.css, as well as ndxzbox.js. that I touched. It happened after I edited this, but even when I undid what I changed, it's now affected :


var loading_image = new Image();
loading_image.onload = function() { lheight = loading_image.height; }
loading_image.src = baseurl + '/ndxzsite/img/loading/dark-small2.png';

does anyone have an idea how i can go about fixing it? I've replaced the old files to no avail

arsondpi / 2012-10-30 15:55:13   

And have you checked if clicking/selecting Visual index with Overlay once again from the backend, enables the overlay behaviour?

simonjmp / 2012-10-30 16:36:02   

yeah I've fiddled disabling/enabling the format, different options in the exhibits themselves.... with no luck :S

simonjmp / 2012-10-30 16:49:32   

it does appear to be purely down to the overlay though, as the same problem happens using Documenta

simonjmp / 2012-10-30 18:01:28   

ok so i replaced all the js, plugin and css files and it seems to have fixed it. i managed to recreate the problem though. as i edited the .js text i quoted above, even when undoing the changes, it still 'corrupted' the format. the only remedy apparently being to replace the entire file through the server, not just the text itself in Assets.

anyways, just a follow-on Q then, as it's what got me in trouble in the first place... where should I then edit the java script to remove the loading icon, if I can't do it here?

best wishes

simonjmp / 2012-10-31 09:10:20   


arsondpi / 2012-10-31 10:24:30   

can you check your folders permissions and htaccess? It seems that ajax is not working well.

simonjmp / 2012-10-31 10:54:33   

ok, so i was in the right place then?

permissions on js folder, and ndxzbox.js is 755. will double check later everything else is in order, as per the initial set-up.

This thread has been closed, thank you.