Visual Index Text paragraph to the right of grid

psisto / 2012-10-31 04:09:34   

Hello, so yes I would like to have a Visual Index 3x3 square grid of 200px thumbnails and have the description text to the right of the images (instead of above or below).

Where do I look for this and how to change it? Thanks you! Files are working locally, I could upload or show screenshots.

arsondpi / 2012-10-31 08:24:47   

ok click on Exhibit Options and select 3 in the Counter, Square for the Thumbnail Shape and 200px for the Thumbnail Max Size.
To make the text sit on the right you'd have to edit the plugin and get the text in a div.
#img-container and that div with the text, would only need a float: left; css property to make things work. Fairly easy if you know code basics and if "you're up for it"

psisto / 2012-10-31 09:47:36   

mm, I wish the second part was as easy as the first! I looked at the bottom of the visualindex.php and saw this:

"#img-container { {$grid} }
#img-container #text { float: left; width: " . ($this->text_width + $this->text_padding_right) . "px; }
#img-container #text p { width: " . $this->text_width . "px; }
#img-container .picture_holder { float: left; }
#img-container .picture { position: relative;{$align} }
#img-container .picture { {$picture_width}{$picture_height} }
#img-container .picture_holder { padding: 0 0 0 0; }
#img-container .captioning { height: {$title_block}px; text-align: center;{$caption_width} }
#img-container .captioning .title { margin-top: 3px; text-align: {$talign}; }";

I feel the answer is in there, but are not as advanced as I wish. I will the code is already written for this somewhere.

arsondpi / 2012-10-31 11:49:43   

Well it's not only the css bit that you need to edit. As I said you have to wrap all the text area content in a div as well.

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