Try A new kind of index

bolshevikmars / 2012-11-01 15:02:12   

Hi guys I'm working on my site trying to make it look like this…

Where pre and post nav texts are horizontally at the top of the page. And menu at the bottom. Leaving the center area as exhibit.

Here's a tricky idea about the titles: I'd like to separate section titles and exhibit titles. Section titles are selected by a knob at bottom left (turned to photography in this case), when a section is selected, its exhibit titles appear at the right of the knob,(with a button to scroll it if there is too many,in this case there's four titles.)

How can I make this design real? Especially the menu part? Thanks.

arsondpi / 2012-11-01 15:36:58   

...well this is relatively easy if you know code basics (css/html/php)
It can be hard to do if you're a total beginner but depending on your skills you can have a go at it.

bolshevikmars / 2012-11-02 08:45:31   

hi arsondpi.

i manage to get the basic layout, but having trouble separate the section titles and exhibit titles. I'm poor with php. can you give me a guide here?

my site

many thanks!

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