Section/Category Spacing. (still no resolution)

romebot / 2012-11-07 11:11:26   

Hello, sry to post again about this, but hit a dead end. Seems every site I've seen has been able to control the space between projects. I would like to do something like the navigation on the left w/ the sections close together and space between the section groups. I have searched the forums and must be I'm not searching the right criteria as I'm guess this is very common. If anyone could tell me or point me to a good thread, I would like to solve this asap. Thanks!

arsondpi / 2012-11-07 11:32:02   

wait a minute - there's a bigger space between section exhibits.
Exhibits are part of section exhibits and thus have less space between themselves.

What's your url address? Maybe if you can be more descriptive we can be of further help.

romebot / 2012-11-07 11:45:54   

Thanks for your help, really new to this: Right now it's a complete mess as I'm just playing around with what I can do... but I want to group things like below, and also can a section/project just be a link to an outside url and not have an exhibit attached?:

The Evolution of Despair (this would not be clickable in this example, maybe bold)
-Stickers/Sticker Book

War on the Brain

Bibliography Project

Video (this would not be clickable in this example, maybe bold)
There's No Place Like You
-All is Vanity
-Works Like a Dream
-Goin' Down to Mexico

Coins (not clickable)
-The Tyranny of Small Decisions
-The Trouble w/ being Right
-Two Sides of the Same Coin

Shop (can this click to an outside link and not to an exhibit?)

arsondpi / 2012-11-07 12:34:08   


First check this post:

Then create sections called:
The Evolution of Despair, War on the Brain, Bibliography Project, Video, Coins, CV, Contact, Shop

If you do not want the section exhibits not to be clickable then switch Publish to Off.
Create exhibits and put them in the sections of your choice.

Last but not least edit the Shop section, click Page Options and select On for Hide the from index. Then click Create and then click Index link - fill out the rest of the details and you're good to go.

romebot / 2012-11-07 13:13:43   

This is great. thanks. But only one part remains.. how do I make the sections closer together like to the left w/ space between them? Greatly appreciated!

arsondpi / 2012-11-07 15:24:02   

with css... in your Admin->Assets->style.css look for #index ul.section
Add/change/remove properties to do exactly what you're after.

romebot / 2012-11-07 16:14:36   

Ok, I see. Is there a good post somewhere here that helps w/ figuring out what to do w/ those parameters? If not I will just play around, but I'm guessing this has come up before. I will also search for style.css, but in case there's a good relevant post that anyone knows of that would be super helpful. Thanks!

arsondpi / 2012-11-07 16:56:04   

just start up with your content and then work your way with css.
You can later ask here or search the web about css.
At least that's my advice...

romebot / 2012-11-07 19:26:18   

ok, thanks, but just to be clear, the spacing between the groups of links like on the left is a css thing? Correct me if I'm wrong but seems in that style.css file there is general spacing, but not spacing between groups. Is there a sample css file that I could see as an example-I really need to group my links before I launch asap... I'm building it out still, but it really would help to see the links in the proper groupings to play around which what I want to put there...

arsondpi / 2012-11-08 11:13:26   

If I remember well you should be affecting the #index ul.section
But as I said get your content ready first. Then using firebug in Firefox, or if you're a Safari/Chrome user, right click on a page element and you'll find out the correct css selector.

This thread has been closed, thank you.