Header inside Header

rebecca21 / 2012-11-12 22:58:09   

Hey guys!
I've manage to fix the text position on the exhibit by using an Header that allow me to fix the text position (H3)
The problem is that in my text I'd like to manage to have diffrent style.
I've try to put header in a header but doesn't work.
How can i do to get one around the other, so the whole text as a fixed postion?

Like this it works :
Date : Concours 14.2008
Coût : 5 382 000 € HT
Surface SHON : 3 476 m²
Maîtrise d’ouvrage : Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
Partenaires : IOSIS (bet Tce), J.P. Lamoureux (acousticien)
But if I do that :
Date : Concours 14.2008
Coût : 5 382 000 € HT
Surface SHON : 3 476 m²
Maîtrise d’ouvrage : Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
Partenaires : IOSIS (bet Tce), J.P. Lamoureux (acousticien)

Only the Text PROJET 01 stay fixed.
Thank you very much

rebecca21 / 2012-11-15 12:47:07   

You've got nothing on that one?

arsondpi / 2012-11-15 17:22:03   

I'm not sure I understand well... Anyhow you can use a class and a position: fixed; to get any kind of element to stay in it's position.
For example:

  1. <p class='fixed'>text here</p>
rebecca21 / 2012-11-20 07:42:11   

Thanks for your answer, the Fixed doesn't work with the over and over format no? well i can't make it work but I've manage to make diffrent style witch all are in fixe position, and it works. Not the best way i guess... but working...

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