Uploading theme for dummies

jgibbins / 2012-11-20 21:35:09   

Hey guys, sorry about what is sure to be a stupid question but very new to this all.

I'm trying to upload a theme I downloaded to then edit it, as I want the general format. I can't find where to upload the files to? I have some .js files and a couple of .css ones.

Also, is there a good place to start learning this stuff? I want to learn how to do the coding and editing but haven't done coding before so want to start!

Thanks guys, sorry again for the silly question. Searched the forum and couldnt find relevent articles

arsondpi / 2012-11-21 00:01:52   

There's no special place for this.
Just search the web... that's how I learned things.
But what are you after?
What's your url address?

* Legacy version themes wont work on version 2.

olavwestphalen / 2012-11-23 14:56:54   

Are there any new/ updated themes out for Version 2?

arsondpi / 2012-11-23 15:40:07   

Not yet! They're coming, they're coming...

jgibbins / 2012-11-23 20:10:51   

Right, i've uploaded a couple of themes to help me learn the ropes, like EdNacional's and a couple of others, but they don't display properly and when I change things it doesn't change. Is this because I'm on v.2.0.1 and they're older?
Even tried editing the default and got no changes happening?
Sorry for being a complete newbie at this!

jgibbins / 2012-11-23 20:11:36   

(Can I downgrade to Indexhibit v.1 to play around with this stuff?)

Vaska A / 2012-11-24 10:22:22   

We wrote a tutorial (in the Help section) about how to upgrade themes.

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