Change exhibit format on mobile devices

nbuccelli / 2012-11-21 18:21:28   

I altered the horizontal format quite simply by just altering the CSS in the horizontal format file for the text box's appearance and position.

I want to add an adjustment when mobile users visit so that the text box in my modified format doesn't stick in place and rather slides along with everything else. The difference would be just one CSS rule.

Steps I think I need to take:

1. identify the visitor's device (I think I know how to do this - jquery, right?)

2. link/reference a different exhibit format --OR-- just override that one CSS position rule depending on the device.

Any advice on where/how in the DOM to tell the browser to change formats?


nbuccelli / 2012-11-22 02:53:17   

or would I reference the text box ID in my style sheet rather than change the CSS within the exhibit format file, and link to a separate style sheet if mobile users view the site?

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