Image URL Slideshow Beta

aliwiper / 2012-11-26 18:30:08   

Hi there, I am using a customised version of the slideshow beta, generally its working very well no problems. However, I cannot get direct links to the images in the slideshow because of the tranparent layer on top - it is discussed by Vaska half way through this post and I get the impression that with the version as it is (most recent) you should be able to do this. Am I missing something or is that just how it is for now? Thanks!

Vaska A / 2012-11-27 03:18:32   

I cannot get direct links to the images in the slideshow because of the tranparent layer on top

I'm not sure what this means...

aliwiper / 2012-11-27 09:14:05   

Hi Vaska, sorry if I got the jargon wrong - in the thread I mentioned above you say "There is a layer over the image/video (for clicking to next) but it does not cover the top and bottom 10% (space that is necessary for video interface sometimes)." - that is what I mean.

aliwiper / 2012-11-27 09:32:58   

Then you say "I've actually updated my working file with a link (over images) - I think that is the best way to go. Working great..." - did that make it to the version I am using now (downloaded last week)? I know the final version isnt released yet so understand if you are not supporting it fully, I just thought I would ask. Thanks.

Vaska A / 2012-11-27 09:49:37   

Direct links? I don't know what this has to do with Slideshow since it's a single page - I still don't understand the original question.

Slideshow does not have links that way.

aliwiper / 2012-11-27 10:22:59   

Hi, sorry if I havent explained it properly, I'll try again. What I would like is that each image in the slideshow has its own URL, so that you can right click the image and get "copy image location", or drag it to the desktop etc. At the moment this is not possible.

In the thread I mentioned above, you and a couple of others discuss whether this feature should be enabled or not due to theft of images. My impression is that you decided that it is best to have the possibility to be able to get the URL of the image:

"It's a tough one because a person can always make a screenshot or even dig through the code source to get the image. It's for this reason that I don't feel it's worth the effort to prevent people - there is always a way.

It's more fluid and probably semantic using an actual link about the image...

If people are really vociferous perhaps we'll make a different set of formats one day that obscures things from being dragged to desktop."

So, what I would like to know, is - is it possible to easily get the direct URL to each image in the slideshow by rightclicking, or save the image by dragging to desktop? At the moment this does not work for me.

Hope this explains it! Thanks

aliwiper / 2012-11-27 10:24:52   

(It works for the first image in the slideshow, but not the others)

Vaska A / 2012-11-27 10:50:25   

Yes, Slideshow does not do that.

But, you can use Visual Index with Permalinks...

aliwiper / 2012-11-27 10:55:51   

OK, thanks ... I'll look into it ...

Vaska A / 2012-11-27 11:17:55   

But, we could make Slideshow do that - or make an alternate. In December a bunch of things will finally get rolling...

aliwiper / 2012-11-27 11:24:55   

Cool ;-) Just one question - is there a way to jump straight into the visual index with permalinks without having to view thumbnails before? Then it could be exactly what I am looking for - I am happy with the way my site is looking now so I dont really want to start reformatting to deal with thumbnails ...

Vaska A / 2012-11-27 11:46:34   

Yes. But this is not a feature - this is a hack. We'll add this into another Slideshow down the road...

In Visual Index you can edit things around line 546 - something like this...

  1. foreach ($do as $go)
  2. {
  3. // adding the hack to this format
  4. if ($OBJ->vars->exhibit['operand'] == 1) 
  5. {
  6. header('location:' . BASEURL . ndxz_rewriter($OBJ->vars->exhibit['url']) . $go['media_file']);
  7. exit;
  8. }

This works with the permalinks options - bouncing the page to the first permalink slide. You can not return (back link) to view the visual index of images - it will always bounce to the first slide.

aliwiper / 2012-11-27 12:49:20   

sorry, being a retard, please dont slay me ... but i have tried various combinations of adding this in at line 546, replacing return $OBJ->vars->exhibit['thumbs']; with what you gave, cant get it to work - i am no pro with this, but trying, can you give another hint?... Aslo, I assume that this will mean there will be no click on image to go to next image? Thanks again!

Vaska A / 2012-11-27 12:50:44   

It might not be that line then. Look for this line and then follow the above example...

  1. foreach ($do as $go)
aliwiper / 2012-11-27 12:59:04   

cool, got it! line 473. Thanks.

This thread has been closed, thank you.