"SITE" folder for themes

Karma / 2012-11-27 16:00:03   

Hi guys,

Why the "site" folder within the folder "ndxzstudio" is disappeared in the ver.n°2? I've to install this theme ednacional.com/indexhibit/…, how can i do it?

Thank you,

arsondpi / 2012-11-27 16:57:47   

The older Legacy themes won't work for Version 2.
The architecture has changed in Version 2.
Now the templates are located in ndxzsite folder.
The theme that indexhibit comes with is in a folder called default.
You can duplicate that folder with your ftp application or work on the existing default theme.
Access to theme files is through Admin->Assets->template (default) or -again- via your ftp application.

Of course all this assuming that you know how to code in order to duplicate the theme you're after.
Check this post: indexhibit.org/tutorials/upgrade/updating-templates-and-exhibit-formats/

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