header on all pages problem

mbrenon / 2013-05-01 12:20:36   

hey - i've managed to create a new div called "bandeau" on the index and style files to create a header for the homepage.
But this header appears on all the pages and i just want if on my homepage.

I assume i should replace the div i created on the index for the visual-index file but i don't know where i must place the code ...

Can anyone help me ?

my site : maximebrenon.com


arsondpi / 2013-05-01 12:36:25   

There's many ways to do this - I would have the bandeau div in my index.php page and to get it to show up in the visual index plugin only.
Towards the end of the actual plugin you'll find the css. Add

  1. #bandeau {
  2.     height: 350px;
  3.     margin: 0 auto;
  4.     width: 1240px;
  5.     background: url(maximebrenon.com/…);
  6.     display: block !important;
  7. }

And then in your style.css

  1. #bandeau {
  2.     display: none !important;
  3. }

See if this works

mbrenon / 2013-05-01 16:18:52   

hooowww - it works like a charm.
Thanks a lot arsondpi!

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