Can't finde the right folder for the layout adaption

Kumme / 2013-07-23 14:01:15   

When I open the folders I can't find the right one for the CSS adaption.
I need a folder named sample->style.css, right?
I checkt all the folders but there is no one with the same HTML/CSS informations as I can see on Firebug.

I've this folders:

I tried a lot and now my site looks weird...
How can I do the adaption?

Can you help me please?

arsondpi / 2013-07-23 14:41:06   

it's in the ndxzsite > default > style.css

(ndxzsite and deafult are folders)

Kumme / 2013-07-24 00:15:28   

But in the style.css code I can't see the type or the pictures I uploaded.
How can I adapt it if the code is not there?

Vaska A / 2013-07-24 00:27:26   

What are you trying to do? You don't need to adapt your photos (they are in the /files/gimgs folder) - you simply want to adapt your CSS, right?

Kumme / 2013-07-24 11:47:41   

hmm... my gimgs folder is empty, dimgs as well.
The pictures should be smaller, like 1cm/1cm.
I would like to change the position from the pictures and the type
and to have a line between the type

arsondpi / 2013-07-24 12:32:36   

You must have tinkered with css already though.
The default styling is gone...
You can reupload the reset.css, base.css and style.css to reset to the default theme.
Also if you're planning to work on the style.css file, disable the Indexhibit style plugin - if you're using it!

From your last post I'm don't really understand what you're trying to do though. Your Bilder exhibit has a series of test images uploaded and Grow is active as the on-click option. So things work fine when uploading media.

Kumme / 2013-07-28 09:54:55   

Ok, thanks
How can I reupload reset.css, base.css and style.css?
How can I disable the Indexhibit style plugin?

I just want to change the layot form the page, like distance between
the type ect.
And everything is so close to the left border :(

arsondpi / 2013-07-28 11:04:44   

Use your ftp application to upload stuff and login to the Indexhibit backend to adjust settings and content for your site...

Kumme / 2013-07-28 11:11:39   

I think I got it :)

But all links are white now and I can't change the color

arsondpi / 2013-07-28 11:50:37   

As I suggested above, disable the Indexhibit style plugin if you are going to work with style.css or via Admin>Plugins>Indexhibit Style, Options set a colour and/or size for each setting in the plugin.

Kumme / 2013-07-28 12:20:36   

I want to work with ''Indexhibit Style''. But when I select
Indexhbit Style v1.0, Color picker test ->Options, I can't select any color!
(I tried it with Safari and Firefox)
First, I couldn't see the link (it seems to be white) but it was possible to click on it,
now I can't see the link and can't click on it... but the folder is still there

I don't know what I did wrong....

arsondpi / 2013-07-28 12:36:12   

Once you get the colour wheel panel on screen, click select a colour and then hit the small colour wheel on the bottom right of the black panel.

Or you can work directly on your style.css (as I already mentioned)

Kumme / 2013-07-28 13:42:31   

With style.css I tryed as well, but probably I did something wrong.

But it work now with your description. Thank you!
I've just still the same problem that when I click on the link nothing's happen
(there should be pictures)

arsondpi / 2013-07-28 14:41:33   

Go to Admin>Plugins>Expanding menus and click disable.
Your links will then work.

* If you want to use expanding menus then download the Indexpand plugin from the Plugins section on the left.

This thread has been closed, thank you.