Image uploaded @ 200kb but in browser is over 500kb

srge / 2013-08-04 07:25:29   

Hello, I have a simple question. I moved recently to version 2.x and used that chance to re upload all my content. I manually saved for web all mi images, at 700px height and never exceeding 200kb in size. Some of them are more compressed than other, obviously, but I didn't mind that, as I wanted my site to load fast.
Although, my website is not loading fast, and I thought about downloading one image to check it's size: nearly 550kb...
So I tried again, just to check: saved the image again with a size of 190kb, uploaded it, and again, over 550kb...
I'm using in all my pages the Horizontal format with the Image Max Size in "fullpx" and the Height on "700". Can this affect the size of my images, and resize them?
What's the exact procedure for this not to happen?
I've searched for this in the forum, but couldn't find anyone with the same problem.

My site is hosted in godaddy and you can check it in

Thanks everyone.

arsondpi / 2013-08-04 08:13:44   

prior to uploading what is the size of your images? Not what the software is suggesting but what the actual file is...
I use Photoshop and the Save for Web and Devices option. Of course most image software applications have equivalent options as this one...

srge / 2013-08-04 08:25:07   

I used exactly that, Photoshop, Save for web... The file size is 190kb.
I upload that image to my website, throught the indexhibit uploader. Then, I go to the website and do right click on the image and save to my desktop. The image is now 500kb..

srge / 2013-08-04 08:28:01   

to be more clear and specific:
Prior to uploading, 190kb
After uploading, when downloading same image from website, 550kb..

srge / 2013-08-04 08:30:38…

srge / 2013-08-04 08:50:17   

I'm wondering now that the name of the new image is rsz_h700_18_95.jpg.
This means resize height 700? Is it changing the compression at resizing? how do I turn the resizing off? Because I already gave my images the needed size (height 700px) on photoshop...

srge / 2013-08-04 09:15:14   

Ok, now in the format options, I turned the slider of size to 0, and uploaded the 190kb image again. When downloading it from the website (via rightclick and save) it has a size of 236kb... is still resizing a bit, less than before...
Can i avoid that? Sorry t post so much, but really need to find a solution for this..

arsondpi / 2013-08-04 12:17:11   

When you upload them is fullpx set in Exhibit options?

srge / 2013-08-04 12:21:04   

when I upload fullpx is set, and I had also set to 700 the slider that appears underneath.
I changed with the slider to 0, and the new image is also resized, although now to 236kb instead of the over 550kb..
Is there anyway to completely avoid resizing?

srge / 2013-08-04 16:23:52   

OK, Solved (please mark it as solved..).

Basically, the slider that moves from 0 to 900 actually resizes the image, even if it's already on the proper size. Probably resampling it, or re-saving it, and therefore deteriorating the original jpg (I'm not so certain about this last thing). The true is that it saves the file under a different name and probably looses it's compression, becoming a bigger file.
I would suggest to everyone to size your files in photoshop>save for web and leave that slider alone.

Thanks arsondpi for the help and attention.
cheers to all

Vaska A / 2013-08-04 16:30:54   

That slider has a purpose for some people. Plus, that format is still a beta.

The real problem is that the GD library, which deals with images, sucks. And when I say that, I'm at the end of my rope with a library that we have to live with. It's 2013!

Happy to hear you've found a way forward...

srge / 2013-08-04 16:36:25   

Oh, well, I couldn't tell if it does suck or not as I'm pretty much amateur here, but to be honest, it's not a big problem for me, now that I found how to fix it.
And the best of all is that just changing the slider, re-saves the images to the initial size (or probably re-links to original images), so I didn't have to re-upload all the images. Maybe there's still a bit of resizing compared to my original file, but this made a huge difference in the overall load.

And of course the slider works for some people, I'm not saying it doesn't at all, only that my suggestion is, avoid it if you can and have the time to actually do proper savings.

Vaska, thanks again, for the attention and for indexhibit, it helps a lot people like me and that's why we support!

Vaska A / 2013-08-04 16:38:36   


srge / 2013-08-04 16:49:25   

** one extra detail that I've just found: all the resized images (named "rsz_h700..." in my case) were saved in the folder /dimgs occupying considerable space in my server. I've just erased all those and I think is the best thing to do (correct me if I'm wrong)

Vaska A / 2013-08-04 17:22:41   

Yes, there are situations where you may need to delete the dynamic cache.

Admin > Settings > Clear Dynamic Images

srge / 2013-08-04 21:20:25   

thanks again

This thread has been closed, thank you.