Themes doesn't work at all

Zbyncom / 2013-08-15 00:17:58   

hi, I'm a total newbie in css, so I decided to use the theme and make some changes on it. After a few uploads , I gave up. Please help.
my test site is
What can I only see now is Pre-Nav Text and Post-Nav. I can return to default theme but I really want make another look of site, horizontal with pure graphic.
I have already bought of course indexhibit, but I see now, that is not easy like Iweb etc. Do You think I can handle making changes of theme without programming knowledge ?

I have preinstalled indexhibit on my Lion Macos through mamp, but I still looking for best way WYSIWYG program to make changes in normal visible way, can You recommend some, I will be glad for free stuff :) ?
Best regards
cheers for help

arsondpi / 2013-08-15 07:34:02   

But you're working with index.php templates from the Legacy version and not version 2.

Ok - first reupload the default folder found in the ndxzsite folder.
This contains the original theme.
You can work on those files but coding skills are needed.
I've tried working with wysiwyg apps before but non did the trick for me...
You can give it a try if you want but I don't recommend it as you may come accross other issues.

Last but not least, if you're after some very basic customizations you can enable the Indexhibit Style Plugin and play around with it (don't forget to set values for all options)

Zbyncom / 2013-08-15 10:24:57   

No probs, I have reuploaded that defalut theme,
I just copied some stuff from defalut wihtout style.css cause I thought that will make that new theme work, but that not my problem, cause I knew it. But that wasn't my issue.
My question is how use other themes ?
Which themes are for legacy version and version 2 ?
Sorry for maybe silly question is new version more complex for customization than ?
To use that theme i should make some updates like those one ?


arsondpi / 2013-08-15 10:33:40   

Yep - check out that post...
It's pretty simple to be honest.
Certain css selectors have changed names - use Firebug the FIrefox plugin to find the css selector you want to affect.
For example #menu is now #index and #content is now #exhibit...

There's a few customizations around in this forum - there's even a beta release of the Columner theme. A forum search will take you a long way.

Zbyncom / 2013-08-15 11:04:13   

ok, I got it know,
So I can't simply replace index.php from default theme, cause themes are so different that will make errors. Am I right ?

The best way to updates themes is do it simply from asssets ?

By the way I am after some test with Indexhbit Style 1.0 but I think the best way is learn that basic customization to make in style.css

arsondpi / 2013-08-15 18:38:59   

Then don't update them - work your customisations directly to style.css

Zbyncom / 2013-08-16 12:50:46   

ok I have updated code of index.php in that new theme, but still doesnt work. Somebody help please ;/

: {{obj_name}}

path = '/files/gimgs/'; $(document).ready(function()
    setTimeout('move_up()', 1);


  • Built with Indexhibit

    Built with Indexhibit


    Zbyncom / 2013-08-16 12:57:15   
    1. <!doctype html>
    2. <html xmlns='…;
    3. <head>
    4. <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
    5. <!-- Set the viewport width to device width for mobile -->
    6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    7. <title><last:ndxz_title /> : {{obj_name}}</title>
    8. <last:page:meta />
    9. <link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='' /…;
    10. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<last:page:version: />' type='text/css' /…;
    11. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<last:page:version: />' type='text/css' /…;
    12. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<last:page:version />' type='text/css' /…;
    13. <last:page:css />
    14. <last:page:javascript />
    15. <last:page:onready /><plugin:backgrounder />
    16. <plugin:page:load_lib_css />
    17. <plugin:page:load_lib_css />
    18. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/stylesheets/app.css' type='text/css' />
    19. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/stylesheets/foundation.css' type='text/css' />
    20. <link rel='stylesheet' href='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/style.css' type='text/css' />
    21. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
    22.     <link rel='stylesheet' href='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/ie.css' type='text/css' />
    23. <![endif]-->
    24. <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    25.     <link rel='stylesheet' href='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/stylesheets/ie.css' type='text/css' />
    26. <![endif]-->
    27. <!-- IE Fix for HTML5 Tags -->
    28. <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    29.     <script src=""></…;
    30. <![endif]-->
    31. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/javascripts/app.js'></script>
    32. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/javascripts/foundation.js'></script>
    33. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/<%obj_theme%>/javascripts/jquery.min.js'></script>
    34. <!--<script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/jquery.js'></script>-->
    35. <script type='text/javascript' src='<%baseurl%><%basename%>/site/js/cookie.js'></script>
    36. <plugin:page:load_lib_js />
    37. <script type='text/javascript'>
    38. path = '<%baseurl%>/files/gimgs/';
    39. $(document).ready(function()
    40. {
    41.     setTimeout('move_up()', 1);
    42. });
    43. </script>
    44. <plugin:page:load_dyn_js />
    45. <plugin:backgrounder color='<%color%>', img='<%bgimg%>', tile='<%tiling%>' />
    46. </head>
    47. <body class='section-<%section_id%>'>    
    48. <div class='container'>
    49.     <div class='row'>
    50.         <div id='menu' class='three columns'>
    51.             <div class='idxz_container'>
    52.                 <div class="top-section">
    53.                     <%obj_itop%>
    54.                 </div>
    55.                 <div class="hide-on-phones">
    56.                     <plugin:index:load_index />
    57.                 </div>
    58.                 <!-- you must provide a link to Indexhibit on your site someplace - thank you -->
    59.                 <ul class="built hide-on-phones">
    60.                     <li>Built with <a href=''>Indexhibit</a></…;
    61.                 </ul>
    62.                 <ul class="bottom-section hide-on-phones">
    63.                     <%obj_ibot%>
    64.                 </ul>
    65.             </div>    
    66.         </div>
    67.         <div id='content' class='nine columns'>
    68.             <div class='idxz_container'>
    69.                 <!-- text and image -->
    70.                 <plugin:page:exhibit/>    
    71.                 <!-- end text and image -->
    72.             </div>
    73.         </div>
    74.         <div class="show-on-phones">
    75.             <div class="mobile_buttons"><<plugin:index:load_index /> /></div>
    76.             <p>Built with <a href=''>Indexhibit</a></…;
    77.             <%obj_ibot%>
    78.         </div>
    79.     </div>
    80. </div>
    81. <plugin:page:append_page />
    82. <plugin:page:closing />
    83. </body>
    84. </html>
    arsondpi / 2013-08-16 15:54:54   

    What did you change? Include only the parts you changed...
    Also use an html online validator to see if you have any errors in your page (for example:…)

    Zbyncom / 2013-08-17 00:01:34   

    ok thanx for link. I know now what i did wrong, first of all a didn't change formats, and now i have stucked at update of them.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/the3d/domains/ on line 21
    I want use that theme responsive with 4 formats
    but i see that will be not pleasure cruise
    Do You know where can i get versions 2.0 of them ?
    Is it complicated to make it works ?

    Zbyncom / 2013-08-17 00:02:22   
    1. <?php if defined'SITE' exit'No direct script access allowed'

    Format Name: Djuve
    Format URI:
    Description: Exhibition format.
    Version: 0.1
    Author: Indexhibit
    Author URI: Kjetil Djuve (
    @based on/mix of: Vaska's Iwakami/Backgrounded/Deux Column Exhibition formats (
    Params: format
    Options Builder: default_settings
    Source: exhibit
    Operands: none
    Objects: exhibits

    class Exhibit
    // defaults from the general libary - be sure these are installed
    $exhibit['dyn_css'] = dynamicCSS();
    $exhibit['dyn_js'] = dynamicJS();
    $exhibit['exhibit'] = createExhibit();

    function dynamicJS()
        return "function show_image(id)
            $('#p' + id).fadeIn();
            return false;

    function createExhibit()
        $OBJ =& get_instance();
        global $rs;
        $pages = $OBJ->db->fetchArray("SELECT *
            FROM ".PX."media, ".PX."objects_prefs
            WHERE media_ref_id = '$rs[id]'
            AND obj_ref_type = 'exhibit'
            AND obj_ref_type = media_obj_type
            ORDER BY media_order ASC, media_id ASC");

        // content text
        $s = $rs['content'];

        if (!$pages) return $s;
        $i = 1; $a = ''; $b = '';
        $total = count($pages);
        // people will probably want to customize this up
        foreach ($pages as $go)
         $title         = ($go['media_title'] == '') ? '' : $go['media_title'] . ' ';
         $caption     = ($go['media_caption'] == '') ? ' ' : $go['media_caption'];
            $png        = ($go['media_mime'] == 'png') ? " class='png'" : '';
            $a .= "nn";

            $x = getimagesize(DIRNAME . GIMGS . '/' . $go['media_file']);
            $off = ($i == 1) ? "style='display: block;'" : "style='display: none;'";
            $next = ($i == $total) ? 1 : $i+1;
            $b .= "n


        // get images
            $this->imgs = $OBJ->page->get_imgs();
        return $s;

    function dynamicCSS()
        return "#d-thumbs { }
        #d-thumbs img { padding-bottom: 5px; border: none; height: 40px; width: 40px; }
        #d-image { }
        #d-image img { border: none; }";

    1. ?>
    2. }
    arsondpi / 2013-08-17 07:59:49   

    Legacy version formats will not work out of the box and will need updating.
    However the Djuve plugin is replaced by the Slideshow plugin beta - you can find this in the Customize section of this forum. Lots of options...

    Zbyncom / 2013-08-17 10:13:13   

    "need updating" means that is not that easy, cause I have updated everything like in tutorial but still doesnt work. Do You know that responsive theme ? Do You think is is there any possibilities to make it work by newbie like me, or maybe is far more complex and tutorial updates by vaska in this case is only basic minimum.

    arsondpi / 2013-08-17 12:09:08 depends on your coding skills. But did you try the Slideshow format I mentioned above? It works exactly like you want and has even more features to play around with.

    This thread has been closed, thank you.