Where can i change the "picture" width

avidkerr / 2013-08-19 23:25:09   

I am looking to get rid of the horizontal scrolling that is occuring on my site:


It seems to be from . In firefox when i change it to 225px this goes away. i can't seem to find the correct code to change in the visual_index.php, but maybe because that is not where it is coming from.

could someone steer me in the right direction?


arsondpi / 2013-08-20 07:58:38   

I don't know the effects this is going to have with other media or text but this seemed to work:

  1. #img-container {
  2.     overflow: hidden;
  3. }
avidkerr / 2013-08-20 11:57:59   

seems like it did the trick. thanks!

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