Indexhibit does not recongnize my e-mail adress

winecoco / 2013-08-30 18:31:38   

I am having a difficult time login to

I used up all of your login attempts and tried to enter all my email addresses to
retrieve my login and a new password. However, it could not find any of my e-mail addresses.

Please assist me to retrieve my login so that I can make changes in my website.

Masami Koshikawa

arsondpi / 2013-08-30 22:41:36   

Simply use the password reset script found on the Plugins section on the left.

cnitsch / 2013-09-06 21:27:19   

the password reset script doesn't seem to work for me.

arsondpi / 2013-09-07 08:06:46   

It worked for most people -make sure you're using the one for the correct Indexhibit version...

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