Columner Centered

mstevenson / 2013-09-01 22:49:11   

I have been trying to center the columner theme. I wrapped #index and #exhibit in a wrapper div (which I'm not even sure I did properly, but its working). I also want to include the "top-section" which contains the PreNav Text in a wrapper so that it is aligned with the index and exhibit. Is there a simple way to do this in the index.php?

This link should illustrate the issue.


Matt Stevenson

arsondpi / 2013-09-02 00:18:10   

I see a second #wrap in the #index (which is odd since #wrap is unique since it's a css id and not a class)
I guess you've done a mistake and used #wrap instead of .wrap which may helped you more...

Anyhow #index or even #index .container is what you're after.

mstevenson / 2013-09-02 17:50:38   

eh...this is too complicated to do without more knowledge. I'm in over my head.


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