Upgrade is done but same old site being accessed, how to get to old content

geoffd / 2013-09-30 13:03:32   

I followed the Upgrade instructions, all fine, but site is still accessing the old folders (ie, ndxz-site not the new one) so it still display fine as theold material is there, but in Admin, it doesn't show any pages (exhibits) to edit.

If this is an auto upgrade, should I manually edit the head of the template? (And how do I do that, where is the file, is this preferred way, manual edit?).

The second page of Upgrade instructions,


I do not understand the instructions, if this is php editing, which exact files are needed, and where are they? This seems risky work.

geoffd / 2013-09-30 13:07:02   

PS dimgs has no files in it, the old images are in gimgs

Should that be done in auto upgrade?

The site is at


That is a static page, pls use the left nav off there.

arsondpi / 2013-09-30 13:57:08   


Login here: archtyau.com/ndxzstudio/
You'll then have access to the ndexhibit Version 2 backend.

Once you login edit each one of your exhibits, click the exhibit options button and select a new format. Sometimes changing from one format to another works better in some servers. Selecting a format auto updates the exhibit. Thumbnails are going to be created dynamically.

geoffd / 2013-09-30 16:04:39   

That is great, please add that to the instructions, as I was already logged in but in the old setup, never thought to re-login (which I didn't need to actually do, it just opened in cms2, as I used same logins).

btw do I need to do the Page 2 of Upgrade as I mentioned above?
My site is simple and additions are in extra html pages rather than editing the code.

arsondpi / 2013-09-30 16:12:04   

Just try it out. Most of the old formats have been updated and they work even better so I don't think that format updating is necessary - do check things out before going into deep.

geoffd / 2013-10-01 09:36:34   

I get access to the new cms2, but the old site is still working, if I change the index html links to the new cms2 files, I get

Database is not installed.

But I did the Upgrade process, which is supposed to set all that up, and the editor for the cms2 works - I can edit a page, and Preview shows it in what appears to be a parallel install (since the original site is still live).

I might have to get some pro help on this as I can't spend ages figuring this all out.


arsondpi / 2013-10-01 17:08:23   

"if I change the index html links to the new cms2 files, I get

Database is not installed."

Not sure what this means - but yes you can have access to the legacy version site as well, it just doesn't make much sense to do things from there. It's still there for backup and upgrading purposes (as far as I know)
But if you think that expert help will help you understand things quicker, then do so...
Nevertheless this forum is for all users figuring things out.

arsondpi / 2013-10-01 17:27:34   

...continued here: indexhibit.org/forum/thread/19928/

This thread has been closed, thank you.