new content not updating after upgrade

HelmutL / 2013-10-15 12:09:10   


I have just upgraded to V2 by uploading the ndxzstudio folder, as directed by the upgrade notes.
I can get into the area which allows me to edit my pages fine.
However, when i make any amendments to my site, and click the save icon, none of my new content is appearing on my website.

could you please tell me what i'm doing wrong.

my site is

i'm a novice.
kind regards

arsondpi / 2013-10-15 15:37:24   

Are you sure it's not a browser cache error from your end?
Hold down the shift button and hit refresh a few times. Also check in a different browser.

HelmutL / 2013-10-15 22:36:00   

Hi there,
I tired that too earlier, and the updates are still not showing up. I've also viewed it in two browsers.
You should see the word 'hi' at the top of the home page as a tester, that doesn't show up after updating.

what can i try next?
thank you

HelmutL / 2013-10-17 10:09:30   

can anyone help?
or should i just completely upload everything again and start from scratch?

arsondpi / 2013-10-17 16:10:37   

Have you checked your files/folders permissions (again) ?

HelmutL / 2013-10-17 20:37:33   

i did check that but i will check again... i'll let you know if it works or not.
thank you for your help.

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