Database is not installed

fayemoorhouse / 2014-01-22 08:06:34   

Im trying to upgrade my site from old indexhibit to the new cms2. But I am getting the 'Database is not installed' message. What am I doing wrong?

arsondpi / 2014-01-22 08:11:04   


I get a 500 error when I visit your page - so this is a server error.
Was your previous Legacy version site working properly?
Did you try to upgrade using the directions in the Upgrade to version two link located in the Help section?

fayemoorhouse / 2014-01-22 08:13:00   

Yes it was working correctly before. I've been trying shifting files to remedy it. It should show the original message now?

arsondpi / 2014-01-22 08:16:04   

So did you try to upgrade using the directions in the Upgrade to version two link located in the Help section?

fayemoorhouse / 2014-01-22 08:17:05   

Yes I followed the instructions precisely, i think.

fayemoorhouse / 2014-01-22 08:19:13   

I've checked with my host and php 5.4 is installed. Is it anything to do with the config / index.php files?

fayemoorhouse / 2014-01-22 08:23:46   

ohoh i sussed it.… was going to ndxz-studio before. silly me!

arsondpi / 2014-01-22 08:25:41   

fayemoorhouse did you visit this url to update?…
If so did you manage to login to the backend?

arsondpi / 2014-01-22 08:28:14   

That's what I thought...
I'll also need to edit each exhibit and select/update the exhibition format

This thread has been closed, thank you.