Call to undefined function show_error() in /home/bypass_editions/ on

bypass / 2014-02-06 11:49:05   

Before, with Indexhibit v.73 there was an error at saying "deprecated lines...".

I received from Vaska a package for upgrading to Indexhibit 2. Unpacking,
I followed the readme.txt instructions, and uploaded/substituted the new files from the old ones. I then tried to change permissions and redirected the browser but the ndxzstudio/install.php path just presents this msg:

Language (make selection) -- NEXT (nothing happens when clicking)

At there is a new error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function show_error() in /home/bypass_editions/ on line 164

Can you help me out?

arsondpi / 2014-02-06 12:02:27   

Hello - theres's detailed instructions about "Upgrade to version two" in the Help section on the left.
I don't recall seeing this error in the forum before - you do need to make sure that *all* the files are uploaded (sometimes ftp cuts off).
Before you go on any further backup everything: files, folders and existing database.
Then try reuploading the new version 2 files and folders again.

bypass / 2014-02-06 20:47:54   

Hi, tks for the reply. In fact, with my Apache server I can just download 1 item per time. It takes ages... And about the db, I cannot login properly in the studio to extract all the text from website. In the server, is there any way to download the db?

arsondpi / 2014-02-06 21:34:40   

download one item at a time? Are you using an ftp application? If yes this should not be happening - you should be able to download all your files and folders with their structure intact with an ftp application.
As for the database find how to login to phpMyAdmin, an database management application. You can then export the database and have a backup.

bypass / 2014-02-06 21:38:31   

Tks, yes, I am using but I cannot download all the files and folders at the same time...

arsondpi / 2014-02-06 22:34:32   

That's a web ftp application - I'm referring to a ftp application that will work in your computer, like Filezilla or Coda/Transmit.
Search the web - there's many apps around. Free ones as well.

bypass / 2014-02-11 11:18:48   

Hi, tks for the info. I tried to download all files from the server into Filezilla, but they appear in the "failed downloads", while I should have it on "successful downloads" to extract them to my computer, right?
Regarding the database, how can I extract/download the db and all the text/html that was within each section and subsection of my indexhibit backoffice?

bypass / 2014-02-11 11:21:36   

I meant "failed transfers" when they should appear in successful transfers. I selected all files in the remote site and then left clicked for download...

arsondpi / 2014-02-11 15:43:21   

I can't know what might be wrong - verify how to download your data and how to export your database* with your host.

* ask them how to access phpMyAdmin which is a database management online tool.

This thread has been closed, thank you.