Centered text menu

brainsafterhours / 2014-02-10 20:19:44   

Hi! I'm a beginner in customizing my website, sorry.. :)
I would like to center my menu, meaning align the sections and the sub-sections/exhibits in the center of my menu (i know it's a basic question..)
This option should be added to Admin / Plugins / Indexhibit Style ;)
Do i have to change my css file ?
Thank you !

Vaska A / 2014-02-10 20:45:52   

No, I don't think it should be add to the style plugin - it's a rare thing people do.

And, it's easy to do via CSS. Start with...

  1. #index { text-align: center; }

And see how it goes.

arsondpi / 2014-02-10 20:46:45   


Actually centering all of your site, including formats and layout may prove a bit more difficult than expected. Either way you need coding skills to do this.

Start by customizing the style.css file located in the default folder (in ndxzsite) - the default folder is your theme folder.

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