Delete background color when hover images and customize slideshow

deandelso / 2014-02-28 11:45:20   

I’m working on a web for my studio I’d like to customize a few things that maybe are very easy but I've searched the forum and I was unable to find out how this can be done. I am new at CSS but I’ve made some modifications yet, so if it’s a simple coding thing I thik I could manage.

1.First thing is about hover images:
My links have a background with color on hover (yellow) but I don’t want this effect for the images. I looked forward the forum and I found similar questions and I tried to play with the style.css file, but I couldn’t do it.

2.The other things are about slideshow. I use this exhibit format to show all my proyects (PROYECTOS in the index). I have customize the file format.slideshow.php with word pad and uploaded it with filezilla.

I changed the words “Previous/Next” for “Prev/Next”, and then I placed them before the numbers, but now the space between “Next” and the numbers is very small... How can I increase it?

The other thing I want to do is to create a link to a text with more information about the proyect. I could manage to put the word “+info” beside the numbers, but now I don’t know how redirect it to an exhibit with only text… I suppose I’ve to create a subsection or something… How can I do that?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

P.S. Thanks for Indexhibit 2. It is great!

arsondpi / 2014-02-28 12:14:11   

You'll need either Firebug the Firefox plugin or some bookmarklet to target and track down the exact css selector.
Since you're using Visual Index and slideshow I think the following will do (notice the !important attribute which overrides every other css rule for the chosen selector.

  1. .picture_holder a { background: transparent !important; }
  2. #slideshow a { background: transparent !important; }

Again using Firebug I found out that you should effect a selector called #total

3. Make “+info” into a link

  1. <a link='url of your exhibit goes here'>+info</a>

The exhibit with the text could be a hidden exhibit (page options > hide exhibit from index, On)

deandelso / 2014-02-28 15:00:28   

Thans arsondpi for your quick response.
I use Firebug, but as I am new at programming there are many things that i dont understadn very well.

1. I'd put the code you told me on the file style.css and it works fine for all the images except for the logo that I have on the pre-nav text... how can i do that?

2. I've tried to put the selector #total on the format.slideshow.php but surely i'm not doing it properly because i can't increase the space between next and the numbers

3. Fo the +info link I have a question.
I've created a new section called "TEXTOS" so I can create the exhibits with the only text (one for each proyect) so I will have a exhibit to redirect each "+info" link.
Then what I think I've to do is to modify the file format.slideshow.php to make "+info" into a link.... I'll have a diferent text for each proyect, so never is the same url:


The question is... what url do I have to put on the file format.slideshow.php?

I think I should call with the same title both exhibits (the one with the slideshow and the one with the text) ...

Thanks in advance,

deandelso / 2014-02-28 15:02:26   

Sorry, instead of +info I sould have posted:

  1. <a href="…;

arsondpi / 2014-02-28 15:31:26   

1. right click on your logo and select Inpect element with firebug.
Again in firebug's code right click the element and select Copy CSS path.
You'll see:
html body.exhibits div#index div.container a
which -assuming that you know code basics- can be shortened to
#index .top a

2. This is wrong:

  1. <a href="#total">    </a>

I mean't put the selector with an attribute in the css part of the format or in your style.css, for example:

  1. #total { padding: 0 100px 0 200px; }

3. Now I understood that +info is incorporated to the actual format.
I don't recommend this as formats have universal appearances and you'd need serious coding skills to do this automatically.
What I suggest is to insert the link to the text-exhibit in your caption, just as I mention on my first post.

deandelso / 2014-02-28 15:47:31   

Thank you very much, I'll try it!

deandelso / 2014-03-03 12:45:00   

Hello Arsondpi,
I worked with your recommendations and I could do nearly every thing I wanted and it works!
The only thing I could'nt do was to delete the yellow background when I hover the logo, my coding skills are very limitated. For the moment I'll leave it and keep working on the web.
Thank you very much for your patience

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