Is there a Iframed plugin for Index2

losthorse / 2014-03-23 13:39:25   

Most of my old site uses Iframed - -
I would like retina projects to stay like the old version which is similar to
Updating Retinaprojects has gotten me to the /ndxzstudio/ but all my links in the left menu get this - No input file specified. -

I assume my lack of understanding for the - Updating themes and exhibit formats for Indexhibit 2 - has been asked about here before but I'm just not finding any forum threads with a clear instruction. Any instruction or help would be grately appreciated

arsondpi / 2014-03-23 17:09:24   


It's likely a clean url's issue - check out these forum search results

losthorse / 2014-03-23 21:45:20   

Yes Sir! Fixed.. Thanx

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