Smaller thumbnails?

rossfraser / 2014-06-04 22:51:44   

Is there anyway to have smaller than the 150px thumbnails? I am currently testing at


rossfraser / 2014-06-04 23:10:51   

While I am asking....I guess it is also appropriate to ask, is there a way to adjust the crop on the square thumbnails so that I can control it?

And...where can I adjust how many images appear in each row? I see it is not a fixed figure, because when I adjust the window size in my browser the amount changes depending on width.


rossfraser / 2014-06-04 23:51:26   

Figured out how to get smaller thumbnails. Still searching for clues to my other questions...

rossfraser / 2014-06-05 01:07:24   

Revised Questions:
Hi everyone....thanks for helping in advance. I have figured out some things. Here are the things I am looking to customize:

1) Custom cropping on the square thumbnails?

2) Center the Permalink image counter/title

3) Wondering if I can have the "Menu" or I guess it's the "Index" area scaled so that "Contact" scales and sits in the bottom corner of screen depending on the window size of the browser.

4) Thanks!

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