I can't access my website !!

OG / 2014-09-17 09:20:09   

I just realised my website completaly disappeared from the internet. I can't access it anymore.
My domain is still available, so that's not the problem.
I need my website up and going real quick, because it's my professional portfolio. Can anyone help me out ?
Maybe It has something to do with the old version ?
Thanks in advance !

Olivier Girardot

Vaska A / 2014-09-17 13:37:31   

I see your site just fine...perhaps you had a server hiccup.

OG / 2014-09-17 19:33:03   

Hello Vaska,
Yes sorry about that, I contacted my host and apparently the problem came from them. They seem to have fixed :)
Sorry for the inconveniance !

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