If we're taking requests here, I have one: please make sure any responsive themes have an option NOT to resize images on desktop computers. Shrinking them down for an iPhone is one thing, but screwing with pixels on a normal size screen is a recipe for disaster, and the thing that makes most responsive CMS products unusable for photography (specifically, it smears fine detail and makes film grain look like oatmeal). I like (no, LOVE) the simplicity of the indexhibit concept, but I also like the mobile version of the menu you have on the current indexhibit homepage. Very simple, clean, and elegant, as it should be. It fits the indexhibit idea perfectly.
I also think it would be great if we could get a timeline on upcoming upgrades. I have a major site overhaul coming up and would like to use indexhibit. The amount of time invested on site design is significant, so software status is a factor that must be considered.
Much appreciated!