Does version 2 allow for re-size to iphones/ipad etc, and how do we adapt site to do that ?
Does version 2 allow for re-size to iphones/ipad etc, and how do we adapt site to do that ?
I'm about ready to upgrade to the latest version of Indexhibit, is it mobile optimized? I recently received this email from my webhost Startlogic...
"Not long ago Google announced that as of April 21 'we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.' That's a major change... It means that preferential ranking treatment is now given to sites that are "optimized" for mobile. It also means that having a mobile-friendly website is no longer a nice option to give your customer—it's absolutely essential."
It is not. Vaska had indicated that a new version with this functionality would be available for preview two weeks ago, but it didn't happen, unless I missed it.
Can we get a realistic timeline on this please? I'm coming up on a major update soon and need to know if I have to code my own site or if something is actually imminent. I'd be happy with a simple over and over format with mobile menu. Doesn't need to be fancier than that to get started while other formats are in progress.
This thread has been closed, thank you.