website on i phone

ccc / 2015-07-02 06:36:19   

what do i have to do that my site would work on the i phone like the main indexhibit site ----
(that i can choose between the index and the exhibition part)

thanks for your help,

nrp / 2015-07-05 22:15:23   

This comes up once a week each in the upgrade and customization sub-forums. I think the mobile indexhibit website is more of a proof of concept, but the code is not done enough to be released (if I recall correctly). It's a waiting game.

I think the frequency of this question has increased since the time Google started penalizing websites that are not mobile-ready. Ironically enough, being mobile friendly does not suffer from this problem...

So many indexhibit users are artists and/or designers, and I see why it would be a problem to have a website that doesn't work on mobile. After all, at least here in the US, mobile internet traffic recently surpassed computer traffic. Therefore, at least 50% of visitors from the US are going to have unfriendly UI. The number can't be too different for other parts of western Europe, Canada, Australia etc—the "developed nations."

I also know that this number is much higher than 50% in parts of Asia and some parts of Africa, in part because mobile infrastructure is cheaper to deploy and for consumers to buy into. This makes the problem even more pressing.

Reserve_Ames / 2015-08-10 02:44:50   

How's it coming along VASKA? No pressure, just curious. THANKS PEACE

Vaska A / 2015-08-10 15:23:49   

Hi Ames...

It's coming. Slowly. I think most people don't realize that I can't afford to hire help and I'm doing everything myself (and I am not paid for this work either). Plus, Indexhibit the business no longer really exists - it was losing money for the obvious reasons. How is Indexhibit supposed to compete with companies releasing free things that are funded with hundreds of millions of dollars and employ hundreds of people? Indexhibit has always been just me...and that's not enough.

So, I'm doing what I can when I have time. I posted looking for help long ago and I've only had once response and that person wasn't qualified to do what was asked for anyways. That's how it goes for open source all these years...depsite people think that if you toss it on git you will magically have a ton of help. Nope.

Sorry things take so long...but it's still coming.

This thread has been closed, thank you.