xx check name of fields

Vbotas / 2015-07-06 16:31:38   

Hi! i have a xx check config.

I'm not sure about how i should name the fields of:

-data base name
-data base user
-data base password

Can i put the name that i want?

alexzakkas / 2015-07-06 17:25:49   

Vbotas, I have the same problem: XX check config. I can't solve it.
But do know that you should not put the name that you want in those fields but the exact names that were given to your database when you created it (and added a user) at your webhost.

Vbotas / 2015-07-06 17:31:55   

Yes, after a while i realized and created a data base on my webhost panel control.
I wrote the personal information that the host gave to me but nothing!
i don't know what to do..

jonboyohboy / 2015-09-07 23:33:38   

Now I am having this issue. I am using Host Gator. I don't know what to do

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