I was using lagacy version for many years just fine until lately I renewed my webhosting service. 123-reg asked me to backup everything first and renew my webhosting. After he cleared everything as brand new I re-uploaded all the backup files to FTP and realise that indexibit doesn't load. What went wrong during this?
I downlaoded the current version of Indexibit and followed the steps from here: indexhibit.org/forum/thread/5912/
I had replaced the line in config.php with new database sql (which 123-reg has reuploaded for me with new db info)
And I got mixed up with the difference between ndxzstudio and ndxz-studio (legacy?) folders and contents. Now what's the best way to quickly recover my original Indexibit? I have the whole zip from old site and both old .sql and newly imported .sql
I have done a few tests already, to install indexibit again but doesn't load anything from old site in menu, even i had clicked "import database from old server?"
Site: .jacktherabbit.info