Blurred images

Kat_Basterfield / 2015-11-15 22:19:38   


I'm a total beginner when it comes to all of this! For some reason I can't seem to upload crisp images. I've decreased the size on photoshop, tried saving for web and everything but they become all pixelated when I upload them onto Indexhibit. No idea what I am doing wrong. You can see it happening to a majority of my images at

Thanks Kathryn

Vaska A / 2015-11-16 03:17:13   

Try refreshing your browser when looking at images - Shift + browser refresh...this will update the images.

The seem ok to me...but I'm not really sure what I should be looking for.

Kat_Basterfield / 2015-11-16 09:30:21   

Just tried that but no difference. Its just my images are a lot more sharper and defined before I upload and they become almost pixelated on Indexhibit. Ideally I would like them to be more clearer as I'm using it as my portfolio. Thanks though!

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