blank page in installation process

juldillier / 2015-12-15 18:13:10   

I try to install indexhibit, but after clicking "submit" on the 'Site Name / User Name / Database Name / Database Passwort...' Page it follows just a blank page.
I saw a lot of posts with the same problem, but no real solution suggestions...
I tryied the 'password-reset'-plugin, but the browser didn't find this page...

Any help? Thanks for every hint!!!

Vaska A / 2015-12-15 18:27:28   

Lots of real solutions - solved thousands of times in this forum over the years. Just search more...

Use the latest version of Indexhibit, too.

juldillier / 2015-12-20 11:54:18   

Ok, I figured it out!
I hat to downgrade my server from php7 to php5.5.

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