How to remove "Home" from website title?

jkroyer / 2016-02-09 18:53:27   

Dear code wizards

Somehow I can't seam to get rid of the "home" label for my main or homepage. I really bugs me that it says "Home : Jonas Krøyer Photography" even in f**** google search.
Please please help and please speak slowly as I'm not very code savy.


Oh almost forgot, website link:

jkroyer / 2016-02-13 08:37:17   

Indexhibit won't let me leave the section name blank so I'we tried to use just a "." .: Jonas.... looks better than Home : Jonas....
How ever not quite how I'd like it.
Any good ideas would be appreciated.

jkroyer / 2016-02-13 15:48:23   

I found this thread
But I'm wondering if one could put in a pre-nav code to do the trick instead of fiddling with the php?

jkroyer / 2016-02-15 09:46:25   

What do you know i figured it out. Thanks me :-)

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