Vertically scrolling exhibit with slideshow function

emmett / 2016-05-18 22:56:16   


Is it possible to customize Indexhibit to produce a single page, scrolling exhibit, in which each image is a distinct project that can be clicked through, slide-show style?

For instance, something similar to this:
(without the side-by-side images).

In other words, is it possible to combine vertical scrolling and slideshow?



holdingstill / 2016-09-13 00:10:26   

Frankly this is a bit beyond my knowledge (most things are) but I figure replying might keep this post alive a little longer as it would appear that whoever designed that website seems to have resolved the tricky Responsive design issue. Hopefully someone smart like Vaska will see that site and be to figure it out.

This thread has been closed, thank you.