Creating an Index Link to Another Section

zaz360 / 2016-10-10 20:41:08   

Is possible to create an index link with a cover image under a section to another section's visual index page. I'm trying to create a work around to create another level of nested galleries. The idea is to show a gallery of clients (index links with cover images) and when you click each image, it goes to a hidden section gallery that shows the exhibits for that client.

Currently, when I try to do this, I type in the correct link in the link section of the index link page but when I click on the cover image in the visual index, it goes to… (showing section 2 in an indexhibit within the exhibit window of section 1) instead of… as it's supposed to. That said, the link in the nav works as it should and just goes to the link address (…).

I can post screenshots as needed but the site is not live at the moment.

Thank you!

zaz360 / 2016-10-10 20:53:51   
  4. Sorry, forgot the links would shorten in the post. These are the 3 faux links in order.
Vaska A / 2016-10-10 21:22:24   

Hmmm...I don't think so.

You could, utilize html and post the image/link directly in an exhibit.

If I understand the question...maybe I don't. ;)

zaz360 / 2016-10-11 16:23:10   

Haha, thank you for the quick response Vaska!

I may have distilled the issue further. When I click on an index link that has a cover image in a visual index, it goes to the page for the index link as if it was an exhibit. This path would be /section/index-link-title. If the link is to another section of my site, as I would like, it opens a second iteration of indexhibit inside the exhibit window. If this is an external link, it just shows a blank white page in the exhibit window. Alternatively, if I click the index link in the index on the left, the browser goes to whatever url I chose for the link. Does this help at all?

Is it impossible to make that cover image link to the actual url in the index link? If not, it kind of seems like a bug considering that defeats the purpose of using an index link with a cover image. That said, in the end you're right, the good old linked image method will work.

Vaska A / 2016-10-11 17:54:06   

Can you show me? I'm so confused... ;)

zaz360 / 2016-10-11 18:43:59   

Sure thing! Sorry to be so confusing.

I was going to screen shot but I bet it will just be easier if I make the site live for a little bit.

The first link under Design is to the hidden section I'm talking about and the first image in the visual index is the cover image for said index link. The second link is an example to show what happens when you set it up the same way but link to an external site.

zaz360 / 2016-10-12 18:51:37   

Does that clarify the issue/question?

Vaska A / 2016-10-12 20:08:37   


Vaska A / 2016-10-12 20:09:59   

The options for the iframe and open in new window aren't working properly?

zaz360 / 2016-10-12 20:21:37   


If I turn on iframe it just makes it so the link loads a second iteration of indexhibit in the exhibit window regardless of which link you use. If I turn on open in new window, that does make both links open properly in a new window.

The problem is that the visual index image doesn't link to the url in the index link.

Thank you for the help.

Vaska A / 2016-10-12 20:29:42   

How can that be? The link is being changed by Indexhibit?

Are you inputting the full link (http : // etc)?

Vaska A / 2016-10-12 20:32:22   

Hmmm...why can't I wrap my head around the question?

When I click on things in the visual index the links are not absolute - they are simply relative. Maybe that's the problem you are getting at?

Vaska A / 2016-10-12 20:33:18   

I really had a bitch of time making gets so abstract and I felt that I needed more options to make it work perfectly but that was a really big solution to what I wanted to be a simple problem.

zaz360 / 2016-10-12 21:20:28   

I'm really not sure why it happens. I wish I knew!

Yes, I am putting in the full link with the http, etc.

Let me try explaining again. So I am able to create an index link and add a cover image so that it is one of the images shown in the visual index of my "Design" section. When you click the index link in the index on the left, the site navigates to the hidden section or whatever URL I choose. The issue is that whenever I click on the cover image that shows in the visual index, it seems to navigate to the index link page as if it was an exhibit instead of just a url. This causes it to open in the exhibit window like an exhibit would but since it's an index link, it appears to navigate to the desired url and open a second iteration of indexhibit within the exhibit window. At first I thought that indexhibit was changing the link but it doesn't seem like it's changing anything. It seems like it's just not navigating directly to the url that is input when you create an index link.

Looking at it now, it looks like the fact that all the images in the visual index link to relative paths may be the source of the problem (at least indirectly). The index link in the index on the left links to the absolute link I input when I created the index link. It seems like for index links, the visual index image should link to an absolute path or alternatively, when the index link page is loaded, it should somehow redirect the whole site to the absolute url.

Are you referring to the index link being difficult to create? I can imagine this was all difficult at some level or another. Thank you so much for creating it and continuing to help us out with it!

zaz360 / 2016-10-17 18:37:28   

Well thank you for the help, Vaska, I really appreciate it! I should take my site down again until it is finished.

This thread has been closed, thank you.