2.1 Upgrade - "Database Is Not Installed"

johnzhao137 / 2017-01-02 22:56:24   

Hi everyone. As of January 1, 2017 I attempted an upgrade to version 2.1. Godaddy is the hosting I use and I asked them to upgrade my PHP to 5.4. Through Filezilla I deleted and replaced the "ndxzstudio" folder as instructed. When I went to my site builder to login:


My username and pass would only result in error. Thus I tried again the next day. For some reason now, both the website and login page leads me to a Google Chrome tab "500 Internal Server Error" and "Database Is Not Installed".

I changed permissions via Filezilla to 777 for the folders suggested to be changed on the installation instructions page. Still nothing.

It appears all my original files are there.

I just spent a significant amount of December 2016 updating my site and would like to see if there's something I might have deleted or uploaded incorrectly before I have to forfeit and restart my website.

Thank you, please advise.

Vaska A / 2017-01-03 00:43:53   

I'm going to bet that you also replaced your ndxzsite folder, as well. /ndxzsite/config/config.php hold your database connection and if that file isn't there...you will get the notice you see now on your website. Simply restore that folder (with the config.php file) and things should be good.

Vaska A / 2017-01-03 00:44:46   

Yep...the file is missing...


johnzhao137 / 2017-01-03 13:58:50   

Thanks so much Vaska. The other issue is Godaddy which I thought holds my files up to 30 days backup did not. Is there a place or way I may directly download this file please? And I should simply upload it into the ndxzsite folder?

Vaska A / 2017-01-03 14:23:11   

Nope. This is why I'm always pleading with you guys to backup your sites. You'll have to consult Godaddy to figure what the connection info is...

johnzhao137 / 2017-01-04 01:49:37   

Hi Vaska, I actually did back it up, it just so happens that drive I did it on died the day after. And Godaddy wiped their 30 days of backup of my previous files when they upgraded me to PHP 5.4. Call it new year's bad luck? I do admit that I made the mistake of uploading the wrong folder, assuming it was the same identical thing as before. But I was having issues logging in when I just updated the "ndxzstudio" folder only. Always "login error". I'm not a web design savvy, I was just trying to try what I could out of urgency; considering the icing on the cake is that a press release for a project just went out today to give my website hits.

I would like to figure out a last resort. I've used and loved and spread the word for Indexhibit for many years now and it's a bit painful to know a missing "config.php" file is the punishment.

Is there any way I can just start over again? When I login to my
indexhibit.org/manage/ I assume that's just the upgrade.

Thanks for your time again on this.

Do I go to here to start over? Is there a way I can get a whole new full version and replace everything?

Vaska A / 2017-01-04 10:40:20   

Did you overwrite your files folder, as well?

You can simply remake the config.php file (get the login info via the host) and things might be ok. You are not out of options here yet...before you reinstall.

johnzhao137 / 2017-01-04 13:21:57   

No the files folder was the one thing I didn't budge.

Sorry but, where do I go to make a new config.php file?
Through this? theveladacinema.com/ndxzstudio/…

Vaska A / 2017-01-04 15:14:27   

Back up your site now.

Then, you can create a new config.php file - use config.example.php as a template.

johnzhao137 / 2017-01-19 03:28:09   

Thanks Vaska. I was able to retrieve and update.

Unrelated, and perhaps you're working on it already, but noticed 2 things thought I'd bring to your attention:

1. Was unable to log-in (always got "login error") after updating. Swapped the new "ndxzstudio" folder with my old one, and was able to again. Although my dashboard reads 2.1.2, not sure if I'm actually using it as I don't see a few things in my Plugins tab like "Slideshow" although it seems to be in the folder.

2. Enabling mobile mode, I only get a blank white site on any phone. Disable, and it's viewable again on a phone.

Vaska A / 2017-01-19 04:38:12   

1. Hmmm...something isn't right there and it's impossible for me to know.

2. Most likely you didn't upload the mobile folder. You should read the notes on the main page news about upgrades, etc.

This thread has been closed, thank you.