Htaccess not ok

DonnieNasko / 2017-01-12 19:56:54   

I tried to install indexhbit with the 2 versions and two differents error messages :
- For the oldest :
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /homepages/23/d568581536/htdocs/ndxzstudio/install.php:836 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/23/d568581536/htdocs/ndxzstudio/install.php(161): Installation->do_installation() #1 /homepages/23/d568581536/htdocs/ndxzstudio/install.php(52): Installation->page_two() #2 /homepages/23/d568581536/htdocs/ndxzstudio/install.php(1088): Installation->Installation() #3 {main} thrown in /homepages/23/d568581536/htdocs/ndxzstudio/install.php on line 836

- For the newest : httaccess is "not ok" at the top of the list when checking at the beginning (before to give informations about my site)

Yes i'm french, sorry for my accent ^^


Vaska A / 2017-01-12 21:10:36   

How about installing the newest version of Indexhibit - the one that uses mysqli not mysql. And, your server doesn't have mysql, as well.

Let me guess - you are using OVH? consult them about the htaccess. If I remember quickly you will have to make more edits to the files (but it's probably documented on their support area).

DonnieNasko / 2017-01-13 16:08:38   

I'm using 1&1, probably the same type of server... but i remember everything was ok one year ago when i tried the whole installation.

My interface say MySQL5.5 and i called them two times before asking here, they confirm everything is ok for them... and they didn't know about indexhibit.

I will have a look about the edits of htaccess and if it take to much time i prefer install the oldest version but i don't understand the error message above.

Thx for your answer, can someone help me further ?

Vaska A / 2017-01-13 16:35:39   

I don't understand that error message - things should work perfectly on that host.

The new version requires PHP 5.4 or greater. If you don't upgrade today, you will have to soon - so, it's best to do it now. I don't push out upgrades just is required by PHP (and thus your webhost).

leiho / 2017-01-16 16:03:23   

Hello Vaska,
I'm trying to help a friend that has the same problem that returns a 500. The host is OVH though, just tried different htaccess without success. I just asked him what was his version of PHP, what's the best he could pick?

Vaska A / 2017-01-16 16:09:12   

Pick the newest. But, htaccess is not dependent on PHP. OVH has an odd htaccess setup - you just need to find their support notes about how to handle it.

If you find it, post the solution here and I will make it a tutorial or something like that - we need to post it for easier access. Thanks.

leiho / 2017-01-16 16:21:01   

Yep I just updated, ain't fixing but will see what can be found with their documentation.
Cause my friend did not change anything, and according to him it stopped running for two months now. Apparently they replied it's a script issue. I will try to find more signifiant stuff

leiho / 2017-01-16 16:43:40   

PHP is 7.0 so should been a problem - they don't tell us much about htaccess expect the classical stuff about redirection
could it be a mysql thing?

leiho / 2017-01-16 16:43:42   

PHP is 7.0 so should been a problem - they don't tell us much about htaccess expect the classical stuff about redirection
could it be a mysql thing?

Vaska A / 2017-01-16 16:57:12   

Yes, it's a script issue because they probably updated the server and you need to update Indexhibit (PHP was updated).

Somewhere on their site they have something about htaccess...for years people have been getting the info from somewhere.

Vaska A / 2017-01-16 18:05:51   

It's not as odd as it was years ago. There must be a solution here someplace...

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