Can't access by mobile

Aboarrage / 2017-01-17 22:53:57   

Hi Vasva,
I’ve upgraded my website to last version and activated the mobile plugin but now my website doen’t work in my iphone 4s.. It is just a white page. Could you help me?
My site is:

Thank you!

Vaska A / 2017-01-17 23:23:44   

I'm pretty sure the mobile folder is not there...

This provides the site (as it should not):…

And this provides the template (as it should):…

Meaning, the template is not there at all.

Vaska A / 2017-01-17 23:24:52   

I've written on the front page news about need to read it.

Aboarrage / 2017-01-18 19:27:22   

Thank you Vasva, now it is working! :)

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