Increase menu width

Aboarrage / 2017-06-24 19:42:29   


I am like a crazy trying to find a thread with a answer of my problem, but I couldn't yet.
I tried to change the width in style.css following the code below

#index { width: 215px; background: #fff; /* line-height: 1.3em; */ }
#exhibit { margin: 0 0 0 215px; }

but it doesn’t work.

Someone could help me, please!

My site is

Thank you!

owenyzone / 2017-07-13 17:38:34   

Hi, dont know how you got on with this but have a look here:

owenyzone / 2017-07-13 17:41:46

try again, dont know what happened with first link!

ep46 / 2017-10-28 21:50:21   

hellow, i read all and i cant do it, i modifiy the style.css but isnt work...can you help me?, y read the link below and is the same, thx

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