Blog ore news plugin

nilsgoe / 2017-07-30 10:52:05   


I was wondering if there is a blog ore news plug in for indexhibit. I have looked around the forum and can see that there are some posts about from around 2 years ago. Is there a beta version i could test, since this is a feature i really would love to have for my site.

Also i can see that this site ( has a news section and in the code inspection i can see that the markup is whit blog classes. Would it be possible to apply this to a standard indexhibit site or be made available as a plugin?

Would really love to have that feature for my site.


Vaska A / 2017-07-30 16:29:26   

i've made a log system. not a blog. commenting is way too much work to deal with (blocking spam) - and there are third party things people can implement. but, who wants commenting on a portfolio site?

i have to make some updates to indexhibit before this can be released. which, is being released by me - not indexhibit. i have been releasing things via my own website if people weren't aware of that.

i'm just a volunteer on my own project here.

nilsgoe / 2017-08-02 08:40:43   

Hi Vaska,

Thanks for your answer.

Any chance you are making the necessary updates to indexhibit and releasing the log system as a plugin in the near future?

I think this would be nice for a portfolio site. You can use the log as a diary for your work ore your personal development. You could also use it as a status/update system for ongoing project.

I'm aware of third party systems like blogger, tumblr and so on, but the nice thing is to control your content in one place and one system. Not having to login two different sites and maintain these, with different design and so on. And with a CMS like yours and your own domain, you own your content, which is not the case when using services like Tumblr.

If my coding skills not would suck so much i would try to make something myself ;-)


Vaska A / 2017-08-02 13:06:18   

In the near future? Yes.

This is my somewhat silly log -

This is using the same system but it's highly modified for myself. I think the log will look mostly like a regular blog but it's certainly possible to do other things (mostly with CSS, too).

If you have any thoughts about how you think it should look or features it might have (but less features is better) feel free to send me an email.

nilsgoe / 2017-08-03 06:26:28   

Hi again,

I took a look at your log-site the other day and guested that it made use of the log in somewhat alterted version.

I have some input and thoughts about features (few) and will send you them by mail.


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