The age old 404 Error (port 80)

chromasy / 2017-08-03 10:42:08   

Hi all,

I've gone through the forum in search for the answer.
However, I have had no joy in installing Indexhibit.

It seems the users that do experience this issue generally get stuck around the permissions being incorrect.

I have uploaded to my root folder.
My folder permissions are 755 - did not do recursive apply.
I also re-uploaded everything in case of FTP cut out.…

Apologies for having to ask this question, but if you can help - it'd be much appreciated!

chromasy / 2017-08-03 10:43:07   

Should also mention that PHP is active on version 5.6.

Vaska A / 2017-08-03 12:37:18   

If the files are in the right spot they should appear. Unless, something is not setup right with the webhost. This isn't actually an Indexhibit issue - only when we can see the files...

chromasy / 2017-08-03 12:56:23   

Thanks Vaska!

When you mention 'see' the files, do you mean in my root folder?
I used Coda to upload them and they appear in the directory, but not sure what is happening to cause the 404.

I've raised the issue with my webhost (, but am yet to get a response.

chromasy / 2017-08-03 15:23:06   

Okay, so my webhost has helped me get access - hurrah!

Now I am setting up the MySQL config...
I have made my database and given it a user, but when getting to the indexhibit install it is asking for a server location - on my host site it says to use localhost - but that is not working.

Any ideas?

chromasy / 2017-08-03 20:05:05   


Managed to complete installation.
Waited until I was home and ran through the MySQL steps again, think my work connection isn't the best.


This thread has been closed, thank you.